All New Perma-Grommet™

These new, two-piece, indestructible grommets were engineered to fit perfectly and effortlessly into your FitnessMats™, replacing the older, rubber-style grommets. With a patent-pending design and composition eliminating the drag experienced with of other grommets, FitnessMats™ will now glide effortlessly on and off any hanging device. As importantly, the snug fit and larger flange of your Perma-Grommets™, eliminates the possibility of grommets being pulled out of your FitnessMats.

Our 100% USA Made, Premium FitnessMats™ are designed to be suspended
for the easiest and most effective sanitization practices. With your new Perma-
Grommets™ installed and your FitnessMats™ properly hanging, simply use
any gym or disinfectant wipe to safely sanitize the smooth, (anti-microbial)
surface of your FitnessMat™, always ensuring safe and sanitary stretching
and floor exercises in your gym. We call it Complete Member Protection™.

To request your complimentary Perma-Grommet Replacement kit simply complete this form